Significant school research and the librarian: a key issue for the Infoeducation




Research school, Significant Research, Infoeducation, Library School, Cultural mediator, Educational informational devices


Introduction: The school research and the difficulties to make it qualified and effective practice in the daily lives of children and youth education in our country, it is a recurring theme for both librarians, and for teachers and other educators in general.
Objective: From the questioning of approaches that link causes of pedagogical and methodological for such difficulties, the paper presents and defends the concept of significant research, a concept that broadens perspectives of research as an act of knowledge by various children and youth segments.
Methodology: Anchoring is in the foundations of Infoeducation, the significant research concept is discussed from the essential role of educational and informational devices as the role of the librarian, taken as a cultural mediator.
Results: The study showed that significant research is directly related to so-called dialogic information devices, since such instances of cultural mediation, being guided by principles of information appropriation, as proposed by Infoeducação, are capable of reframing the subjects' relations with information and knowledge. The resulting order of the links between environment, languages, repertoires, informational and educational practices, in these devices, constitute mediations that favor processes of bond building between the subjects and the knowledge, involving specifically the knowledge and practices of the contemporary librarian.
Conclusions: The notion of significant research in the face of situations where children and young people perform searches empty of meaning, restores knowledge to its role of acting on the material and immaterial world, objective and subjective, in an active and necessary form for the appropriation of information, meanings, and the construction of identities. It is about a paradigmatic change that involves the redefinition of educational informational devices, such as school and public libraries (especially), as well as the role of the librarian in educational settings.


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Author Biography

Ivete Pieruccini, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


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How to Cite

PIERUCCINI, Ivete. Significant school research and the librarian: a key issue for the Infoeducation. Informação@Profissões, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 32–54, 2017. DOI: 10.5433/2317-4390.2016v5n2p32. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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