Langue and langage as thought organizers in Saussure e Benveniste




Langue, Langage, Saussure, Benveniste


In this essay, we tried to evaluate whether the development of Benveniste’s thought throughout — especially at the end of — his article Categories of thought and language (1958) and in The Semiology of Language (1969) allows us to rethink the role language (langue) plays as an intermediary between thought and its expression as it is proposed by Saussure in Course on General Linguistics. Thus, we proposed the following path: we started at the concepts of langue and langage in Saussure and in Benveniste, next we analyzed these terms usage within the papers mentioned. Analyses lead us to believe that it is possible to consider that besides langue, langage — and its manifestations such as music and plastic arts, for instance — may be the intermediary between thought and expression.


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Author Biography

Renata Trindade Severo, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Câmpus Porto Alegre

PhD student in Language Studies (Research line: text and discourse studies) - UFRGS. English and Portuguese language teacher at IFRS / Porto Alegre


BENVENISTE, Émile. Categorias de pensamento e categorias de língua. In: BENVENISTE, Émile. Problemas de Lingüística Geral I. Campinas: Pontes, 2005 p. 68-80.

BENVENISTE, Émile. Catégories de pensée e catégories de langue. In: BENVENISTE, Émile. Problèmes de linguistique générale. Paris : Gallimard, 1966. p. 63-74.

BENVENISTE, Émile. Semiologia da língua. In: BENVENISTE, Émile. Problemas de Lingüística Geral II. Campinas: Pontes, 2006. p. 43-67.

FLORES, Valdir; BARBISAN, Leci; FINATTO, Maria José Bocorny; TEIXEIRA, Marlene. Dicionário de Linguística da Enunciação. São Paulo: Contexto, 2009.

LAPLANTINE, Chloé. Émile Benveniste, l’inconsciente et le poème. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2011.

MESCHONNIC, Henri. Benveniste: sémantique san sémiotique. In: NORMAND, Claudine; ARRIVÉ, Michel. (org.) Èmile Benveniste Vingt ans après, 1995, Nanterre. Actes du Colloque de Cerisy la Salle. Nanterre: CRL - Université Paris, 1997. 421 p.

SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de. Curso de lingüística geral. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2004.



How to Cite

SEVERO, Renata Trindade. Langue and langage as thought organizers in Saussure e Benveniste. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 13, n. 1, p. 80–96, 2013. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2013v13n1p80. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.




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