The genre news in Portuguese Instrumental as a teaching tool in classes of mid-level technical course: an interactive social discourse experience




Interactionism Sociodiscursivo, Genres of Text, Teaching Portuguese Language. Professional Education


The paper presents the results obtained with the application of a pedagogical propose organized around a progression of genres of text and didactic sequences held in the 2nd semester of 2009 in a technical course of the construction civil area in IFMT - Campus Cuiabá. Have been performed in a cooperative and participation action of the students and teacher, the methodology used was action research. The pedagogical propose is based on theoretical assumptions of interactionism social discourse, with emphasis on working with language actions in semiotized genres of text (Bronckart, 1999; Schneuwly and Dolz, 2004). It was intended to develop the language skills of students through activities to appropriate text genres of journalistic spheres, academic and professional technique, with a view to improving literacy practices for the profession's technical civil area of construction and as critical to the performance of citizenship. This paper reports some data especially in the application of didactic sequence of genre news, which was configured as the initial pedagogical progression of genres. The results showed that the pedagogical work that promotes the appropriation of genres of text appears to be appropriate and productive for the professional education, provided that planned according of the formation profile of the course, with respect to the established timetable for the discipline that involves the teaching Portuguese language.


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Author Biography

Sueli Correia Lemes Valezi, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD student in Language Studies at UEL-Londrina / PR .. Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at IFMT- Campus Cuiabá.


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How to Cite

VALEZI, S. C. L. The genre news in Portuguese Instrumental as a teaching tool in classes of mid-level technical course: an interactive social discourse experience. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 11, n. 1, p. 84–104, 2011. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2011v11n1p84. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 may. 2024.


