Conversation analysis of two deaf students learning english: the organization of repair
Repair, Institutional Speech-in-interaction, Deaf students, English language, LibrasAbstract
Conversation analysis (CA) with deaf students? Yes, since the language used by the deaf community, Libras, is a natural language performed by a visual-gestural channel. CA is the study of speech in everyday situations in which there is a natural interaction, called speech-in-interaction. Its main objective is to understand how the sequence of speech is generated and negotiated. This paper fits applied CA because it is based on an institutional interaction: the classroom of English. The aim is to see what happens when three parties are engaged in understanding not only English but also Portuguese and Libras. This will be done taking into account a subsystem of CA, the repair phenomenon (HUTCHBY e WOOFFITT, 2004; SCHEGLOFF, 2007; HAVE, 2007). The repair is needed to sustain the interaction intersubjectivity and ensure mutual understanding among participants. This study shows that deaf students seek to understand English language and, due to repair, they question, ask for repetitions, confirmations, they are corrected when they produce a wrong signal. The repair in the classroom serves to correct, guide, redesign and organize the communication process.Downloads
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