The Assimilation in Libras: a study based on naturalistic data




Brazilian Sign Language, Regressive assimilation, Progressive assimilation


According to Friedman (1975), assimilation consists of the copying, by a given phonological unit, of characteristics from adjacent units. In both spoken and signed languages, this phonological process can present two directions: from right to left, called regressive, and from left to right, called progressive. The objective of this work is to analyze, based on naturalistic data, the assimilation in Brazilian Sign Language, Libras. To do so, we analyzed 59 of the 60 videos posted by Gabriel Isaac, a deaf YouTuber from the Brazilian state of Goias, on his YouTube channel between January 2016 and December 2021, totaling 15 hours and 58 minutes of recording. As a result, we identified cases of assimilation involving hand configuration, location, and number of hands. Assimilation of location was the most frequent, corresponding to 57% of the data. In second and third place, respectively, come the assimilation of the number of hands (33%) and hand configuration (9%). Furthermore, unlike what Friedman (1975) reports for spoken languages ​​and American Sign Language, ASL, progressive assimilation was more frequent (81%) than regressive (19%) in the Brazilian Sign Language data analyzed here.



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Author Biographies

Amanda Regina Silva, Federal University of Paraná

Licenciada em Letras Libras, mestra e doutoranda em Letras pela UFPR.

André Xavier, Federal University of Paraná

Mestre em Semiótica e Linguística Geral pela USP e doutor em Linguística pela Unicamp. Professor do curso de licenciatura em Letras Libras da UFPR.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Amanda Regina; XAVIER, André. The Assimilation in Libras: a study based on naturalistic data. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 24, n. 1, p. 287–314, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2024v24n1p287-314. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.

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