The subsystem attitude in texts written by ChatGPT – analysis of texts written in Portuguese as an additional language
Writing, Chat-gpt, Subsystem AttitudeAbstract
This article analyzes how the resources of the Appraisal system, more precisely the Attitude subsystem, are mobilized by ChatGPT for the construction of texts in Portuguese as an Additional Language at the B2 proficiency level. A qualitative approach study was carried out on a set of texts produced by students from a British university on the generative artificial intelligence platform ChatGPT. The following analytical procedures were employed: i) selection of texts, following the order generated by ChatGPT; ii) division and organization of the texts according to the points requested in the task; iii) semantic-discursive analysis of the task; iv) semantic-discursive analysis of the lexical-grammatical resources used in part of the task. As a result, it was possible to identify that all the subcategories of the Attitude subsystem are mobilized together for the evaluation of “new technologies”, although Judgment and Assessment prevail over Affect.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sulany Silveira dos Santos , Lisiane Barbosa Martins Godoy da Silva, Caroline Bordim

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