Sugar in Rosa: Metaphor, displacement of sense and conditions of production




Metaphor, Discourse Analysis, Guimarães Rosa.


This article aims to analyze the possible displacement of sense from metaphor “Sugar is a white little powder that gives coffee a very bad taste, when you don’t put it on”, from João Guimarães Rosa, considering the different conditions of production. Thus, seek to glimpse how metaphor hides ideological sayings, that can be unveiled with a thorough analysis from conditions of production and the sense effects present and hidden, what reveals the need of unveiling, in order to recognize and how its mechanisms. The level of event comes to light in the study of this metaphor, as a part of two different versions: the first inside a newspaper column, in 1954, that went through changes and became the second one, as the preface “Vermicelli and hermeneutics”, in the book Tutaméia, in 1967. To substantiate the analysis, we utilized the theoretical reference of French Line of Discourse Analysis, in particular Michel Pêcheux and Eni Puccinelli Orlandi, as well as some historians and literary critics. Then, we verified how historicity is present in a metaphor of Guimarães Rosa, contributing to its displacement of sense, with a dialogue between structure and event.

Author Biography

Susanah Yoshimi Watanabe Romero, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).

Master and PhD student with a CAPES scholarship from the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies, from the State University of Londrina, in the area of Language and Meaning, and line of Text and Discourse Studies. Graduated in Portuguese Literature, from the State University of Londrina. Participated in a Scientific Initiation project while receiving a scholarship from the Araucária Foundation / CNPq. Interest and research in text and discourse studies, grammar, Guimarães Rosa, linguistics and genetic criticism.


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How to Cite

YOSHIMI WATANABE ROMERO, Susanah. Sugar in Rosa: Metaphor, displacement of sense and conditions of production. Entretextos, Londrina, v. 21, n. 1, p. 159–175, 2021. DOI: 10.5433/1519-5392.2021v21n1p159. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


