A study on transitivity notion in the American functionalism of Hopper and Thompson and in Systemic-Functional Linguistics
Funcionalismo, Transitividade, Parâmetros de transitividade de Hopper e Thompson, Linguística sistêmico-funcional, Metafunção ideacional.Abstract
Functionalism is a theoretical approach of language studies that promotes the research of the communicative function of the language, and its social character. This current of studies differs from Formalism, which examines the language in its structure/form, categorizing it as an autonomous object. This study is linked to the functionalist perspective of language studies and seeks to elaborate a reflection on two aspects of functionalism in relation to the concept of transitivity. In this way, this article aims to describe and compare the notion of transitivity in the North American model of the authors Hopper and Thompson (1980) and the functional systemic linguistics of Halliday (2004). From the discussion raised, we perceive the potential of the two strands, and their analytical apparatus, as quite fruitful for the examination of the effective use of the language.
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