Symbolic violence and ideology: dialogues between Bourdieu and Fairclough
Symbolic violence, Ideology, Language studiesAbstract
This bibliographic research articulates the concepts of symbolic violence (BOURDIEU, 1986; 1989; 1991; 2009) and ideology (FAIRCLOUGH, 1989; 1999a; 1999b; 2003) for (1) delineating aspects of contiguity and/or distance between both theoretical notions, (2) analyzing the importance/predominance of these concepts for the area of Language Studies, and (3) evaluating re-significations of notions presented in the context of Brazilian theoretical production. To achieve these objectives, I conducted a search in CAPES Bank of Thesis, and, after certain selection criteria, I developed a content analysis (BARDIN, 2011) focusing on the thematic categories, that is, the conceptual notions of symbolic violence and ideology. The results of the analysis show that these concepts have contributed to (a) rethink practices of domination in selection contexts for entering graduate research programs; (b) reflect upon ideological traits that interpellate the identity constitution of educators; and (3) question the social performance of institutions (such as the media) in the re-production of domination in the process of Brazilian women identity construction.Downloads
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