Lexicology and information: an essay of quantification
Lexicology, Press, Corpus linguistics.Abstract
This work aims to evaluate the technique of measuring information of a set of texts through its vocabulary. From a theoretical point of view, we adopted concepts of structural lexicology (BIDERMAN, 2001) and functionalism (NEVES, 1997). We collected all texts published about a certain topic on digital version from three journals of Minas Gerais throughout nine months (179 texts) and then we did a quantitative analysis (based on tokens, types and lemmas) and a qualitative analysis (based on the relevance of certain events). As results, we found that: (a) the three journals behaved differently in the treatment of the topic, (b) the level of lemmas is most relevant to quantify differences in the amount of information of a text, (c) the amount of new information in each text analyzed is relatively low (13-15%), (d) periodicals continue to compose digital texts following the logic of printed media, and (e) the quantification of information through lemmas is not a sufficient criterion for identifying relevant information.Downloads
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