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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal Educação em Análise is a biannual publication of the Department of Education and the Graduate Program in Education, aimed at disseminating and discussing relevant topics in the area of education, as well as related areas.


Contributions of unpublished scientific articles, essays, and original reviews on educational topics that are not being submitted to other journals will be accepted.

  • The text will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, which will analyze the pertinence of the contributions, according to their adequacy to the journal's policy and norms for publication.
  • The analysis of relevance and merit is the responsibility of ad hoc reviewers who may accept, reject, or accept with alterations the evaluated texts.
  • The names of authors and referees will be kept confidential. The texts will be submitted to two ad hoc reviewers, ensuring a blind peer review.
  • The contribution of the texts should be in line with the focus and scope of the journal.
  • Texts may be contributed by researchers and students in co-authorship with their respective supervisors (Ph.D.).
  • The contribution of national authors and foreign authors in English and Spanish will be accepted.
  • The content of the texts is the exclusive responsibility of their authors.
  • Authorship identification should not appear in the word document, but only filled in the metadata of the journal's system.
  • Indicate only the latest academic degree and institutional affiliation. E.g.: PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas. Professor at the State University of Londrina.
  • ORCID must be indicated.
  • Use the Template available for article submission. Click here to download.
  • Article (result of theoretical and empirical research) and Essay: from 15 to 20 pages, including references, charts and tables in the body of the text.
  • The abstract should contain up to 200 (two hundred) words and clearly present the subject of the discussion.
  • The keywords should be three to five, in order to clearly identify the object of study, separated by semicolons, with initials in capital letters and in accordance with the terms available in the Education thesaurus available on INEP's website at:
  • The title, abstract and key words must be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • The title must be presented in capital letters, bold, centralized.
  • The name of the author must be filled in only in the metadata of the system, as well as the title and institutional affiliation. 
  • If the research has been prepared with the financial support of an institution, it should be mentioned in the metadata of the system.
  • Book Review - the text should contain 8 to 10 pages, resulting from the analysis of books or collections published in Brazil in the last three years or abroad in the last five years. It should present the central ideas of the authors, as well as the critical considerations of the reviewer about the contents of the book or collection.
  • Formatting guidelines 
  • The texts, as well as the citations, must follow the ABNT norms, according to the Apostille with Basic Rules for the Elaboration of Work, available at:
  • The presentation of texts should be in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format, 1.5 spacing, A4 page, left-right margin of 3 cm and top-bottom margin of 2.5 cm, 1 cm indentation, Calibri font, size 12, and footnotes in the same font, size 10.
  • Short literal quotations, less than 3 (three) lines, will be integrated into the paragraph, placed between quotation marks. The quotations of more than three lines will be highlighted in the text in a special paragraph, 4 (four) cm from the left margin, without indentation, single space, without quotation marks and in 11 (eleven) font size.
  • Footnotes will be numbered in Arabic characters and cannot be references to researched documents. Footnote numbers inserted in the body of the text will always be superscripted in ten (10) characters, after the punctuation mark.
  • References must come with this subtitle at the end of the text in alphabetical order of last name, according to ABNT norms.



LAST NAME, Name of the author. Title of the article. Title of the journal, Place of publication, v. x, n. x or year x, p. initial and final, day month (abbreviated). year of publication. Available at: electronic address. Access on: day month (abbreviated) year of access.


LAST NAME, Name of author. Title of the article. Title of the journal, Place of publication, v. x, n. x or year x, p. initial and final, day month (abbreviated). year of publication.


LAST NAME, Name of author. Title. x. ed. Place: Publisher, year. v. x.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter or part of the book. In: SURNAME, First name (org.). Title of the book. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year. p. initial-final.


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title. x. ed. Place: Publisher, year. v. x. Available at: electronic address. Accessed on: day month (abbreviated) year of access.


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title or title: subtitle. version or edition if any. Indications of responsibility. Place, Date. Information about the description of the medium or support (for support in digital media). Available at: electronic address. Access on: day month (abbreviated) year of access.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of thesis: subtitle. year of deposit. Type of work: TCC, Dissertation or Thesis (Master's or Doctorate, indicating the area of work) - academic affiliation, place and year of presentation or defense.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of the work. In: NAME OF EVENT. Number, year, place. Annals [...]. Place: Publisher, year. initial-final page.


Política padrão de seção

Declaração de autoria

Apresentação obrigatória da declaração de autoria (com a respectiva cópia do documento pessoal), bem como da autorização de publicação, devidamente assinadas pelo(s) autor(es).

Declaração de aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa

Para que um trabalho seja considerado para publicação, é indispensável que demonstre claramente a observância de todos os princípios éticos durante a condução dos estudos humanos. É obrigatório que tais trabalhos incluam no texto o número da aprovação do protocolo de pesquisa por um Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - CEP, conforme estabelecido na Resolução 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, que aborda o Código de Ética da Pesquisa envolvendo Seres Humanos.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.