Peripheral poetry of female authority as break and resistance




Self-representation, Marginal-peripheral literature, Poetry of female authors.


The poetry of female authorship contained in marginal-peripheral literature, brings the power of resistance and the need to establish the self-representation of women doubly marginalized, both by geographic issue as the issue of gender. Witnesses of the city and the periphery, they cast a critical eye and scathing deconstruction of myths and taboos around female representation, rejecting the obsolete ideas of figuration of muses and bringing women to the reality of their experiences and desires. By breaking with intermediaries and the literary canon that publicize them, peripheral writers establish symbolic space of their speech and bodies by writing poetry. This article aims to highlight the analysis of poems of writers Elizandra Souza, through the work Punga (2007) and Águas da Cabaça (2012) and Luiza Romão, trough the book Coquetel Motolove (2014), aiming to reveal the representation of women through the place of speech writers of the marginal-peripheral literature.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Lago-Lousa, Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Master student in Letters and Linguistics at the Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Flávio Pereira Camargo, Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Post-doctorate in Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and in Letters at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). He is currently an adjunct professor of Brazilian Literature at the Universidade Federal de Goiás.


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How to Cite

Lago-Lousa, P., & Camargo, F. P. (2017). Peripheral poetry of female authority as break and resistance. Boitatá, 12(23), 207–223.



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