Process of Creating the Illustration “Orality and Dystopia”




ilustração, oralidade, crítica do processo, pandemia, discurso não verbal


This essay aims to discuss the creative process of the illustration “Orality and Dystopia” present on the cover of the thematic dossier “I sing because the moment exists and demands it: the poetics of the voice in the pandemic period”. The objective of illustration is to complement a verbal speech through the theme and subject that the editor or body of organizers presents to the reader, which requires the artist the ability to create a synthesis of the editorial project in a non-verbal composition. The analysis of manuscripts and creative trajectories contributes to the interdisciplinary training of researchers who work in languages that border between oral, verbal and non-verbal, such as illustrators, comic book authors and multimedia artists. The course of the essay consists of presenting the concept of process criticism, the conception of the elements present in the illustration and their respective presentation.


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How to Cite

Pessoa, A. (2022). Process of Creating the Illustration “Orality and Dystopia”. Boitatá, 17(34), e022017.