Meetings and discounts in the works of Ferdinand denis and José de Alencar




Identity, Travel Writing, O Guarani, Os Maxacalis.


Considering the scope of Travel Writing in Brazil in the beginning of the nineteenth century, this study aims to demonstrate similarities and differences between Os Maxacalis, written by Ferdinand Denis and O Guarani, by José de Alencar. Denis’ style of writing wielded a fundamental contribution to the Brazilian Indianist Novel as the author introduced the idea of using local elements of nature in a literary work. Although Alencar also explored this aspect of national identity, considering Os Maxacalis as one of his references, his vision showed divergences concerning previous travel writings, especially those related to the indian figure. While the indian proposed by Alencar is submissive and tolerant of the colonizer culture, the indian version presented by Denis is reflexive and reluctant to the Europeans. The similarities and differences found in both works raised important questions which were answered based in elements such as the indian figure, identity representation and ideology: (1) would the indian image submissive to the culture and religion constitute a dialectic of colonization? (2) is it possible to connect the image of a defeated indian to Romanticism and the founding myth of identity? (3) what stereotypes are possible to be observed by using local elements or the reinsertion of the indian into Brazilian culture? At last, a theoretical background of Bruyas (1979), Bosi (1992) and Gannier (2001) was used in this research.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Humberlan Arruda de Oliveira, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD student in Language Studies, Comparative Literature, at the Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Norte (UFRN).

Katia Aily Franco de Camargo, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

PhD in Letters (French Language and Literature) from the Universidade de São Paulo (2005). Post-doctorate in Literature Science at UFRJ and the Université de Saint-Quentin de Yvelines (2012).


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BOSI, Alfredo. Dialética da colonização. São Paulo: Companhia da Letras, 1992.

BRUYAS, Jean-Paul. Introdução. In: DENIS, Ferdinand. Os maxacalis. São Paulo: Conselho estadual de artes e ciências humanas, 1979.

CANDIDO, Antonio. Formação da literatura brasileira (momentos decisivos). Rio de Janeiro: Ouro sobre Azul, 2006.

DENIS, Ferdinand. Os maxacalis. São Paulo: Conselho estadual de artes e ciências humanas, 1979.

DENIS, Ferdinand. Resumé de l’histoire littéraire du Brésil. Paris: Lecointe et durey, libraires, 1826, p. 513-528.

GANNIER, Odile. La littérature de voyage. Paris: Ellipses. 2001.

MACHADO, Álvaro; PAGEAUX; Daniel-Henri. Da literatura comparada à teoria da literatura. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2001.

MACHADO DE ASSIS, Joaquim Maria. Notícia da atual literatura brasileira. Instinto de nacionalidade. In: Obra Completa de Machado de Assis. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994. v. 3.

MAGALHÃES, Domingos José Gonçalves de. Sobre a história da literatura. Separata de: Nitheroy: revista brasiliense, sciencias letras e artes, Paris, n.1, p. 132-159, 1836.

How to Cite

Oliveira, F. H. A. de, & Camargo, K. A. F. de. (2018). Meetings and discounts in the works of Ferdinand denis and José de Alencar. Boitatá, 13(25), 224–241.



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