Porto Alegre, Salvador, Recife: destinations and errances of a search arts researcher
Theatre, Destinerrance, Actor’s direction, Performing arts research, Nomadism.Abstract
I am not stick to a place. Therefore, I write this essay for Boitatá Journal while traveling between April and May 2018. It is a journey for different cities without a precise final destination, although my tickets stipulate a specific place of arrival. I count on Jacques Derrida and his philosophical thoughts regarding destinerrance and adestination as accomplices of adventure. With them I make this trip crossing the country geographically and my life temporarily, tacking past and present in comings and goings through trails that constitute me as a woman, nomad, artist, researcher… In this tangle of stories and experiences that I now share with you, reader, in form of a travel journal, some unpretentious reflections emerge about the transits amongst research, travel and artistic practice, especially concerning theatrical direction. Likewise, destinerring between theory and practice, I approach the atopy which indelibly marks my doing in academia.
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