“I really hope that i am doing everything right”: one arts practice research article


  • Luisa D. V. Geisler Universidade Nacional da Irlanda.




Creative Writing, Creative Process, Translation.


This essay was produced in an attempt to work my own creative process in English during my Masters in Creative Process with an emphasis on Creative Writing, given by the National University of Ireland. Originally written in English, it resulted in an autoethnography that questions the idea of autoethnography as it tries to understand how one aspect of my creation works: sleep. Because he was thought for one of the subjects that I studied at the time, it works on the idea of traveling not only physically, but the mental journey of producing and creating in another language, in another cultural context. For me, writing fiction in another language became like writing with a non-dominant hand, or practicing ballet after years as a bodybuilder. I am sure this is still reflected in the original language in which the article was produced. In an attempt to convey this in Portuguese, considering that Portuguese is my dominant hand (or the closest to it), I decided to translate the whole essay into Google Translate, from English to Portuguese. The only thing that remains the same is the bibliographical references. The result is a revisit, but also a re-translation, to the creative process.


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Author Biography

Luisa D. V. Geisler, Universidade Nacional da Irlanda.

Luisa Geisler is a writer and translator, master in Creative Process with an emphasis on Creative Writing by the Universidade Nacional da Irlanda.


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How to Cite

Geisler, L. D. V. (2018). “I really hope that i am doing everything right”: one arts practice research article. Boitatá, 13(25), 38–38. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2018v13.e35124




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