Primitive sources and the metaphor of deglutition


  • Carolina Dittrich UFSC



Primitivism, Vanguard, Modernism.


Based on the questions that permeate the swallowing metaphor, this study intends to discuss the place of the anthropophagic perspective as modern art at the time of
an appreciation of emerging primitivism in the European avant-garde of the 20th century. In counterpart to dissatisfaction with the simple reproduction of objects, was proposed by Carl Einstein that the value of the image would be deferred through creative reproduction and not art only as a representation. Contrary to institutionalized voices, without clichés, attention turned to black art, and the three-dimensionalism of cubist canvases would not be possible without the plasticity of primitive sculpture.

Author Biography

Carolina Dittrich, UFSC

Master in Literary Theory at UFSC, currently teaches French language at the same institution.


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How to Cite

Dittrich, C. (2011). Primitive sources and the metaphor of deglutition. Boitatá, 6(12), 181–193.



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