Guimarães Rosa and a view on orality




Orality, Guimarães Rosa, Desenredo


This article looks for to do a reading of João Guimarães Rosa’s story " Desenredo", where it is verified that, although it is treated of a written text, there is an oral narrator's presence. That is, the text it is shown rich in marks of orality, which are dispersed in the narrator's speech, being constituted, this way a type of text to be heard instead of read. This mark increases when it is noticed that there is the presence of a narratee, in the story, who is designated like " listeners ". We’ll try to show that the text opposes two cultures, the oral culture and the culture of the erudite world. However, the man belonging to the illiterate universe he is not seen with a folklorist view, like great part of the writers that were devoted to the regionalist literature made. To the opposite, Guimarães Rosa looks for to value the man with your feelings, doubts, desires, not importing what universe he can belong to.


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Author Biography

Valda Suely da Silva Verri, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD student in Letters from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Verri, V. S. da S. (2006). Guimarães Rosa and a view on orality. Boitatá, 1(2), 1–11.


