



Amazon, indigenous territory, Kaxarari


This article is the result of the experience of participating in the “Viver Kaxarari” Project together with researchers from the GepCultura and GepGênero (UNIR) Research Groups and one of the themes of the Project was to verify “Conflicts inside and outside the Kaxarari IT”. And, to obtain this data, we worked with ethnographic method techniques to demonstrate in a thorough and detailed way our analysis of this interaction and participation with Kaxarari subjects. According to Souza (2013, p. 55), the research methodological proposal brings together geography and ethnography in a way of helping researchers to: “Interaction of geoethnography [...] we consider that research is carried out from the moment in which the researcher begins to think about it, and not just when he begins his fieldwork. Likewise, it also has no end point.” Our research presents a study on conflicts, specifically, in the indigenous lands of the Kaxarari community, in the municipality of Extrema, Rondônia. The research investigated conflicts in native territories, based on Brazilian geographic science that analyzes phenomena related to spatial analysis categories in social and environmental contexts. In this sense, from an ethnographic perspective we propose to write this article, and provide the indigenous people of the Kaxarari land with a space to speak related to the conflicts that exist in the villages.

Author Biography

Eldissandra Toscano de Souza Parintintin, Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR)

Bacharel em Arqueologia

Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia (Mestrado)PPGG-UNIR

Universidade Federal de Rondônia                                                                                                           


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How to Cite

Parintintin, E. T. de S. (2024). KAXARARI INDIGENOUS TERRITORY: CONFLICTS AND RESISTANCE. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 10(1), e49973. https://doi.org/10.5433/got.2024.v10.49973

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