Imaginary, memories and literary landscapes in poems by Cora Coralina and Carlos Drummond de Andrade
literary landscapes, imaginary, memory, literatureAbstract
This article delves into the theoretical foundations of the imaginary to explore the realm of poetic landscapes in “Becos de Goiás” by Cora Coralina and “Cidadezinha qualquer” by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Our aim is to present arguments suggesting that the landscapes depicted in the poetic content and the imaginary realm serve as symbolic resources worthy of consideration within the analyzed texts. We posit that the Imaginary enhances the landscapes by tapping into the symbolic potency revealed through the poet’s memory. Durand (2002) anchors our study in the theory of the Imaginary, drawing on Tuan’s (1974) exploration of Topophilia and investigations into memory. In our approach, we conceive of the landscape as a symbolic language that articulates multiple interpretations, engaging in a nuanced dialogue with memory and the imaginary within a tightly woven network of transdisciplinary relationships.
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