Behavioral observations of grazing sheep in the Cerrado biome of Federal District
Cerrado, Ethology, Gender, Small Ruminants, Santa Inês.Abstract
The knowledge of animal behavior under grazing in different biomes is an alternative to increase production because it identifies possibilities of strategic interventions in the management. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the average time of grazing, ruminating and leisure are related to the position (station/decubitus), to the location (sun or shade), as well as the influence of gender in these interactions in Santa Inês sheep in Cerrado from Federal District, Brazil. To obtain the data, the behavior of the animals was assessed by visual observations at ten-minute intervals over a period of ten hours on two consecutive days. From the data obtained were analysis of variance and comparisons between means by Tukey test with significance level of 5%. The result of this study showed that the average time of grazing, ruminating and leisure in Santa Inês sheep, are related to the position (station/decubitus) and location (sun and shade). No significant differences were identified in relation to time spent in the activity of grazing, ruminating and leisure between Santa Inês sheep males and females.
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