Grazing heights, stocking rate, soil structure, and water infiltration in a crop-livestock integration
Caiuá sandstone, Soil quality, Soil-water infiltration rate, Urochloa, VESS.Abstract
Grazing intensity on palisade grass as a function of grazing height in a crop-livestock integration (CLI) system alters the structural soil quality and water infiltration. This study aimed to verify the magnitude of the stocking rate and shoot and root dry matter of palisade grass at the end of the fifth cattle grazing period of an experiment in the CLI system on the visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS), soil-water infiltration rate, and basic infiltration rate (BIR) as a function of grazing heights on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in the northwestern Paraná State, Brazil. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with three replications and 1-ha experimental plots on an Oxisol. Four treatments with grazing heights of 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm were used in the CLI system, controlled with variable stocking rates of Purunã cattle in the autumn/winter season on Urochloa brizantha cv. MG 5 Vitória in succession to soybean in the summer. The maximum soil water infiltration was stabilized at 30 cm of grazing height of the palisade grass under continuous grazing in the CLI system. The increase in the stocking rate decreased the shoot dry matter of palisade grass, soil water infiltration, and structural soil quality.Downloads
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