Yield responses of Macrotyloma axillare (family Fabaceae) to combinations of doses of phosphorus and calcium





Fertilization, Forage, Legume, Plant nutrition.


The present study aimed to assess the effects of combinations of doses of phosphorus and calcium on the yield characteristics of Macrotyloma axillare access NO 279 (family Fabaceae) in a Red-Yellow Argisol with average P level (24 mg dm-3). The experiment was carried out in greenhouse in Nova Odessa/SP, Brazil, from August to December 2015. A 52 fractional factorial design with 13 combinations for doses of phosphorus and calcium in mg dm-3: 0-0; 0-40; 0-80; 15-20; 15-60; 30-0; 30-40; 30-80; 45-20; 45-60; 60-0; 60-40; 60-80, in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Two cuttings were made on the plants. The phosphorus x calcium interaction and the isolated doses of calcium were not significant for the parameters assessed. The production of dry biomass of the aerial part, the leaf area, the number of leaves and the number of branches of Macrotyloma showed significant responses to the isolated doses of phosphorus applied in the primary growth. In the secondary growth, only the number of branches and the dry biomass production of the dead material responded to the doses of phosphorus. Phosphorus was a modulator of dry biomass production of roots and of the production of nodules and the number of nodules of macrotyloma. The content of calcium present in the soil, together with the increase of the value of base saturation to 50%, was sufficient for the establishment and growth of the legume. Therefore, a supplemental dose of this nutrient was not required.

Author Biographies

Henrique Zavarez Barbosa, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza

Prof., Ensino Médio e Técnico, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza, ETEC, Rio das Pedras, SP, Brasil.

Karina Batista, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisadora, Instituto de Zootecnia, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.

Flavia Maria de Andrade Gimenes, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisadora, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.

Luciana Gerdes, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisadora, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.

Alessandra Aparecida Giacomini, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisadora, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.

Waldssimiler Teixeira de Mattos, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisador, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.

Cristina Maria Pacheco Barbosa, Instituto de Zootecnia

Pesquisadora, IZ, Nova Odessa, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, H. Z., Batista, K., Gimenes, F. M. de A., Gerdes, L., Giacomini, A. A., Mattos, W. T. de, & Barbosa, C. M. P. (2019). Yield responses of Macrotyloma axillare (family Fabaceae) to combinations of doses of phosphorus and calcium. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 40(6), 2561–2570. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2019v40n6p2561




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