Maize-crotalaria intercropping systems
Crotalaria spectabilis, Crotalaria ochroleuca, Leguminous plants, Cultivation system.Abstract
The objective of this study was to identify a maize-crotalaria intercropping system feasible for producing straw while maintaining maize yield. A study with a completely randomized block design was performed in 2015 and 2016, with 7 × 2 + 1 split plot and three replications in a clayey Red Oxisol. Seven intercropping systems were allocated to each plot, and two crotalaria species (Crotalaria spectabilis and C. ochroleuca) cultivated with maize in monoculture were allocated to each subplot. Crotalaria yield, total chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, plant height, plant dry matter, thousand grain mass, and corn grain yield were evaluated. C. spectabilis was more sensitive to water level variations during the crop cycle than C. ochroleuca. Crotalaria sown before maize planting with maize seeds incorporated in the soil presented a relatively higher phytomass but decreased corn grain yield. The management system in which crotalaria was sown in the inter-row with a ridge planter at the time of maize planting and the system in which crotalaria was sown in the maize sowing furrow were feasible for straw production because they did not decrease corn grain yield and did not affect maize harvesting operations.Downloads
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