Requirements Specification Approach for 3D Modeling of Robot Otto for therapy sessions with autistic children
product design, 3d modeling, autistic spectrum disorder, robotics, 3d printingAbstract
Seeking to meet the development needs of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this article portrays the steps in the approach to specification of requirements for 3D modeling of the robot Otto, which is an inclusive toy that acts as a facilitator in therapy sessions with children autistic. In this article, we justify our choices, for the development of a simplified visual appearance with an evocative design, aiming to create a playful and empathetic therapeutic robot that is at the same time efficient to assist in the therapeutic process with children with ASD. The construction of Otto provides therapists with new solutions to keep children's attention focused in therapeutic sessions, facilitating learning, social interactions, communication, as well as increasing the motivation of these children to participate in therapy.
Keywords: product design; 3d modeling; autistic spectrum disorder; robotics; 3d printing.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel Ribeiro Bastos de Sousa Rebouças, Thais Reggina Kempner, Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes, Luciana Correia Lima de Faria Borges

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