Understanding the signaling system of a university center from the mapping of experience





Signaling, User experience, Experience mapping


A signaling system aims to help people locate and find destinations in each place. Since it is already part of the daily life of a university, for example, it is believed to be a familiar and understood process. However, the number of studies exploring this theme, especially in places of public use, indicates that these systems are often not designed with the user experience in mind. This article aims to understand the user experience of a signaling system at the center of exact sciences and technology of a federal university. It is an exploratory research, considered as action-research, and uses the Design Thinking as a methodological approach. For this investigation, bibliographic research was carried out, using a questionnaire that verified how the visitors judge the existing signaling system. Later, the tools for mapping experiences and the design map (KALBACH, 2017) were used to understand how the frequent users interact with the signaling system and to propose valuable solutions based on these users’ wishes. The results demonstrate that the system has flaws in some points of contact due to lack of information, important signs, and direction guidance.


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Author Biographies

Stefanne Carla Carvalho Portela, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA

Has a bachelor's degree in Design earned from the Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Fabiane Rodrigues Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA

Professor at the Universidade Federal do Maranhão. PhD in Design earned from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (2017)


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How to Cite

Portela, S. C. C., & Fernandes, F. R. (2021). Understanding the signaling system of a university center from the mapping of experience. Projetica, 12(3), 71–107. https://doi.org/10.5433/2236-2207.2021v12n3p71



Design: Conhecimento, Gestão e Tecnologia

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