Emotional design model as alternative for access of products from Huila to Colombian coffee market





Emotional Design, Coffee Culture, Kansei Engineering, Properties Space, Semantic Differential


The cluster of coffee in Colombia is distinguished by two sub - nucleus that constitutes character of consolidated product in two ways: those coffee nucleuses which line reaches the marketable product with accepted national reference level identity and ruled by “coffee culture”, and those producers who are primarily suppliers of the previous ones since its strength is not in intervention strategies development from design. The present investigation exposes the application of design methodology by Kansei engineering (KE) focused on aesthetic-formal development of products that connect emotionally with consumers inside the coffee cluster of Huila, Colombia. Methodology follows the Design for Aesthetics technique, the result is a set of statistics relations between emotional impressions of the potential consumers over a product and its aesthetic-formal properties. This methodology looks to build a model of briefing that allows develop products that connect with the user in an aesthetic-emotional way, by pretending to obtain a requirements and design parameters identification and definition, and to build a relation more accurate between products and consumers, as well. Methodology indicated is specified applying it to a coffee packaging design, developed for a new indigenous coffee brand, with the propose to create a high competitive product, with the advantage that is based on emotional linkage with potential customers.


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Author Biographies

Johans Sánchez Murillas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - UNC

Specialist in design pedagogy

Lina Marcela Pinchao Díaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - UNC

Diseñador industrial


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How to Cite

Sánchez Murillas, J., Martinez Barco, J. S., & Pinchao Díaz, L. M. (2020). Emotional design model as alternative for access of products from Huila to Colombian coffee market. Projetica, 11(3esp.), 225–245. https://doi.org/10.5433/2236-2207.2020v11n3esp.p225



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