Designing with reuse: an alternative for pleated shades discarding




Design, Reuse, Pleated shades


This work (result of graduation project in Industrial Design - Product Design at the Federal University of Santa Maria) aimed to apply design knowledge from the reuse of blackout blinds. For this, a theoretical framework about consumerism, and its impact on society was held, and on the concepts of recycling and reuse. The blinds, base concepts of recycling and reuse. The blinds, base concepts of recycling and reuse. The blinds, base material for the project, are from reform held in the rooms of Industrial Design course. Through visits to companies Inbrape and Superblind, manufacturers of this material, can prove the manufacturers of this material, can prove the manufacturers of this material, can prove the relevance of its application in a product reuse (discarded since the amount is  large), and have been able to meet the production process and the product life cycle. Aiming at identifying characteristics of the material, tests that helped to define the product be designed were performed. It was concluded that the shutters were concocted and applied in a balcony seat. From this, the research and analysis necessary, which resulted in the project requirements were made. Alternatives were generated, both by design and by volumetric modeling, and was selected to more corresponded the requirements for the completion of prototype.


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Author Biographies

Elenice Lopes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria- UFSM

Graduated in Industrial Design - Product Design at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-  UFSM

Mariana Piccoli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria- UFSM

Master in Design at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Professor at the Department of Industrial Design at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-  UFSM


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How to Cite

Lopes, E., & Piccoli, M. (2015). Designing with reuse: an alternative for pleated shades discarding. Projetica, 6(2), 110–121.



Edição Especial | IDEMI 2015

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