Machining applied to Brazilian ornamental seeds: using design to make the biojewel sector more competitive




, Ornamental seeds, Biojewel, Jewel design, Machining


This paper presents the first results of the experimental stages of research for the entitled “Improvement of decorative finishing techniques in Brazilian seeds for competitiveness in the industry through the craft products with sustainable profile.” This paper is part of research for the Masters of the Post-Graduate Program in Design of the University of the State Minas Gerais, and is in the line of Design, Materials, Technology and Processes. This research aims to show that by working with decorative finishes, or the so-called surface design, applied to the Brazilian seeds commonly used for the production of biojewels is an innovative action and can help to increase the competitiveness of the sector of handicraft with seeds. Thus, the main stages of the study for this paper, that even resulted into the production of an archiving of Brazilian seeds, were: references on literature, seed analysis, imaging, trial by machining, evaluation of the results and conclusion.

Author Biographies

Sebastiana Luiza Bragança Lana, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

PhD in Engineering Materials - University of Sheffield. Doctorate in Chemistry from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Professor at the State University of Minas Gerais

Lia Paletta Benatti, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

Master's student in design at the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais


ALUN-JONES, Deborah e AYTON, Jonh. Charming: the magic of charm jewelry. UK: Thames et Hudson, 2005.

BANDEIRA, Julio. Sementes ornamentais do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Reler, 2008.

BECKER, Bertha K. Amazônia: nova geografia, nova política regional e nova escala de ação. Amazônia Sustentável: desenvolvimento sustentável entre políticas públicas, estratégias inovadoras e experiências locais. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond; Tübinger, Alemanha: Geographischen Instituts de Universität Tübingen, 2005.

ESCOLA DE DESIGN. Centro de Estudos em design da Madeira. Disponível em:> Acesso em: 26/04/2012

FEEVALE. Materioteca. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10/04/2012.

FELIX, Ana Angélica Alves. Identificação e desenvolvimento de técnica alternativa de controle de fungos em sementes utilizadas no artesanato. Universidade de Brasília, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15/03/2012.

GOMES FILHO, João. Gestalt do objeto: sistema de leitura visual da forma. São Paulo: Escrituras Editora, 2000.

SEBRAE. Programa Sebrae de Artesanato. Termo de referência: março de 2004



How to Cite

Lana, S. L. B., & Benatti, L. P. (2012). Machining applied to Brazilian ornamental seeds: using design to make the biojewel sector more competitive. Projetica, 3(1), 241–251.



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