Focus and Scope

Created in 1996, the journal Mediações (Mediations in Portuguese) is actualy a quarterly publication of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at the State University of Londrina.  It is intended for the dissemination of knowledge relevant to the areas of knowledge of the Sciences Social (Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology) and their multiple interfaces.

Mediações is committed to its mission of publishing quality scientific content produced by Brazilian and foreign researchers in the Social Sciences and related areas, aiming to foster and amplify the production of knowledge, contributing both to theoretical and/or methodological innovation, and to the advance of empirical analyses in Social and Human Science research. 

Mediações publishes a thematic dossier in each issue, selected following a public call for dossier proposals with regular deadlines set for submissions, as well as an open section for articles and reviews, both received in continuous flow.

Contributions to Mediações must be previously unpublished and may be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Texts are evaluated by at least two ad hoc reviewers, both specialists on the theme.

Thematic coverage coded according to the CAPES classification: Areas of knowledge Human Sciences (70000000) and Sociology (70200009).