Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy
Mediações is a journal committed to ethical practices in scientific publishing and research integrity, striving to promote transparency, responsibility, and respect for ethical standards in the academic environment. It seeks to ensure that research is conducted ethically, honestly, and transparently by authors, avoiding any form of plagiarism or data manipulation, thus guaranteeing scientific integrity. Beyond the more general Ethical Principles with which Mediações is committed, our policy aims to comply with internationally recognized best practices and ethical guidelines, including those adopted by SciELO.
Mediações considers plagiarism and self-plagiarism, data falsification (whether through manipulation and/or fabrication of data and research results), false authorship, deviation from the peer review process (exerting undue influence over the review and publication of articles), removal of data, intentionally misleading citation, and other similar unethical practices to fall within the category of scientific misconduct. It encourages the reporting of such misconduct and urges anyone aware of unethical behavior to contact the editorial team via email at; it also ensures that all reports will be investigated rigorously and treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Mediações also endorses the publication of errata and corrections: when a substantial error that compromises the validity of an article is detected in a work published by the journal, it commits to issuing an erratum to correct the scientific record. Authors must notify the journal immediately upon discovering any error that may impact the validity of the work. The erratum will be published clearly, with a proper description of the error and the corrections made, following the errata registration and publication guidelines recommended by SciELO.
Mediações reserves the right to retract articles that do not meet accepted and recognized ethical and scientific standards. Causes for retraction include plagiarism and self-plagiarism, falsification and/or manipulation of data or results, authorship manipulation, violation of ethical standards, inaccurate results, fraudulent evaluation, conflicts of interest, removed or irreproducible data, among other practices that compromise the scientific integrity of the publication. Also in this regard, Mediações subscribes to SciELO's guidelines for registering and publishing retractions.
[text developed through consultation with ChatGPT (ChatGPT, 2024)]