Digital Assets
Aiming to ensure the quality, standardization, and accessibility of visual representations and other digital resources published, Mediações establishes specific guidelines for the presentation and submission of digital assets in articles. The following may be included in articles submitted to Mediações: tables, charts, figures, illustrations, maps, diagrams, photographs, various images, and multimedia content. To guarantee the clarity and quality of digital assets, authors must adhere to the following technical specifications:
Tables and Charts: Must be provided in an editable format, preferably within the text body, with a maximum size of 5 MB. If provided as an image, they should be in high resolution, preferably in PDF or SVG format for vector graphics, at 600 DPI.
Figures and Photographs: Must be inserted in JPEG or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and a maximum size of 5 MB. A minimum width of 1,200 pixels is recommended.
Maps and Diagrams: Should preferably be inserted in vector format (PDF or SVG) with a minimum resolution of 600 DPI to ensure readability.
Multimedia Content: Videos must be included in MP4 format and audio in MP3 format, with a maximum file size of 20 MB each. Captions and indications of time and position in the article are mandatory.
All digital assets must include:
Captions: A title and a brief description, referenced directly below the asset.
Text reference: All digital assets must be mentioned in the body of the text, e.g., “see Figure 1” or “as shown in Chart 2.”
Numbering: Digital assets must be numbered sequentially by type (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1).
Color images should be in RGB mode for digital publication. Black-and-white images must use grayscale, with sufficient contrast to ensure readability.
Authors are responsible for securing permissions to use images, charts, and other digital assets obtained from third parties. Each digital asset must cite its source, and when applicable, include licensing information. Assets created by the authors must include a note such as “Source: prepared by the author” or similar.
Authors must ensure that all digital assets meet the journal's specifications at the time of manuscript submission. The Editorial Board of Mediações reserves the right to request adjustments to digital assets to meet the journal's quality and formatting standards.
[text developed through consultation with ChatGPT (ChatGPT, 2024)]