Table of Contents


  • Comissão Editorial Universidade Estadual de Londrina


8 Introduction

11 Gender, care and families: plots and intersections
Sabrina Finamori e Flávio Ferreira
43 From the ethics of care to intersectionality: paths and
challenges to understanding caregiving
Anna Bárbara Araujo
70 Domestic work and caregiving under the optics of the social
reproduction theory
Fabiana Sanches Grecco
103 Inhabiting uncertainties: reflections on disability and
caregiving practices in claims for assisted living
Helena Fietz
132 “Mother is the one who cares”: the legitimacy of maternity
in the speech of mothers of infants with microcephaly in
Diego Alano de Jesus Pereira Pinheiro
164 Perceptions of care and gender practices of women living in
poverty from a generational perspective
Márcio Ferreira de Souza e Silvana Mariano
195 Reflections on caregiving: analysis of the experience of the
“Ellas Hacen” (“they do it”) Program
Romina G. Amaya Guerrero, Gabriela Nelba Guerrero e Marcela Zangaro
222 Grandparents and alimony. Dilemmas about
grandparenthood responsibility and the judicialization of
family care
Guita Grin Debert e Dominique Macedo Momma

248 A balance of the use of tools to aid qualitative research
(CAQDAS): thirty years of the Landless Movement in the
print media (1984-2014)
Lidia Maria Soares Pires Cardel, Paulo Henrique Dantas Pita e
276 The last shall be the first – or on the prism of the caribbean
formation as decolonization of the self
Erik W. B. Borda
296 Cosmopolitanization and identity constructions on the
borders of the nation-state
Valdirene Ferreira Santos
322 Entrepreneurs or politicians? Socioeconomic resources and
professional positioning of members of congress in Brazil
Icaro Gabriel da Fonseca Engler
354 Legibility and health management: ethnographic notes on
Porto Alegre’s Municipal Committee on Aids Mortality
Lizandro Lui e Andrea Fachel Leal
382 Contexts and negotiations: ethics in ethnographic research in
the mental health assistance service in Campinas (SP, Brazil)
Lecy Sartori
404 Hannah arendt against the tyrannies of truth and good in
Jean Gabriel Castro da Costa e Lara Bethânia Zilio
436 The feminization of old age: representation and silencing of demands
in the conferencing processes of women and elderly people
Isabella Lourenço Lins e Luciana Vieira Rubim Andrade



How to Cite

EDITORIAL, Comissão. Table of Contents. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 23, n. 3, p. 1–7, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


