Placements: how social, technological system, a unit of natural resources
Seringal, Rubber tappers, Colocação, Extractive reserve, AmazoniaAbstract
The colocação de seringa, or rubber settlement, sas a way of life is at the basis of the concept of extractive reserve put forward by the social movement of rubber tappers in the 1980s. This way of life grew within the hierarchical and specialized aviamento system, but is far from identical to it. The colocação is both a social organization and an economic system characterized by the multiple use of forest territories by a network of related casas, sharing a set of core resources in common. The colocações system has the potential of becoming, under its institutional role as the unit of extractive reserves, a model for a collective institution of forest use with low aggressiveness towards the nature and a promise of a good life for its inhabitants.Downloads
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