Call for papers - Dossier: When the "Other" is the anthropologist: reflections on contemporary ethnographic productions (Mediações, vol. 27, n. 3 - 2022/3).


Editors: Karine Lopes Narahara (UFRJ) e Inara do Nascimento Tavares (UFRR).

Despite the various transformations through which anthropology has already passed, the idea that anthropological making takes place in the encounter with an "Other", often distant spatially and "culturally" from the one who produces the ethnographic text, still prevails in the discipline. It unfolds that the anthropologist's work is triggered, almost always, by a physical displacement that takes him from his "home" to the "field". This model has undergone an even deeper destabilization with the greater presence, in recent years, of black and indigenous anthropologists in graduate programs in anthropology in the country. This proposal aims to bring together texts that contribute to reflections on contemporary ethnographic production, highlighting the tensions generated on the idea that anthropology is necessarily the product of the encounter with difference. C

all for papers will be open until July 15, 2022.

Contributions should be submitted through the journal's online system:

For a more detailed view of the proposal and objectives of this dossier, access: