Call for papers - Dossier: Populism and the political construction of the people (Mediações, vol. 26, n. 1 - 2021/1)
Editors: Daniel de Mendonça (UFPel) and Igor Suzano Machado (UFES).
This proposal aims at selecting articles that address the theme of populism, as a form of political organization characterized by the construction of “the people” in opposition to “the elite”. Theoretical works on populism or populism concerning other central concepts in political and sociological analysis, such as democracy, nationalism, social classes, political culture will be gladly accepted. Anyway, empirical works, carried out on the most diverse methodologies available to the social sciences, that analyze concrete cases of populist political organization, will be specially valorized. The cases may refer to left and right populism, occurring in central or peripheral countries, and located in the present or in the past - the latter, however, only if they help us to understand the present context. In any case, analyzes on contemporary Brazilian context are especially encouraged.
Call for papers will be open until November 15, 2020; unpublished texts will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Contributions should be submitted through the journal's online system:
For a more detailed view of the proposal and objectives of this dossier, access: