E-Books in the Collections of School Libraries: Subsidies for development of the acquisition policy
Electronic books, Collection development policy, Acquisition policy, Planning electronic collections, School librariesAbstract
Introduction: The electronic document as new informational support is requiring changes in libraries related to the acquisition policy as well as the need to collect funding for development of that policy, what motivated this study.Objective: To establish funding to assist in the development of e-book acquisition policy for school libraries.
Methodology: bibliographic research using as sources the most important databases in the area of Information Science. The selected texts were journal articles, books, theses, dissertations and papers presented at events from 2000 to 2013.
Results: It was possible to identify all the care to be taken when purchasing e-collections, especially in licensing contracts, suppliers and business models used for the acquisition of this type of material, mainly e-books.
Conclusions: The information presented and analyzed may contribute for development of a policy of acquiring e-books, considering that although this support has its own characteristics, procedures for acquisition of materials that compose the e-collections are similar.
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