Uses of the periphrasis ir + Infinitive in master's dissertations: a stylistic-functional look in the context of the discursive genre
Academic sphere, Forms and functions, StyleAbstract
The purpose of this article is i) to reflect on the relationship between different instances of discursive genre and style; and the multifunctionality and forms of ir (go) + Inf periphrasis; and ii) to illustrate with a stylistic-functional analysis. From a functionalist and discursive perspective, twelve master's dissertations in the areas of Linguistics, Law and Mathematics were analyzed, and the main results show that: both types of periphrases – ir (present) + Inf and ir (future) + Inf – occur in the vast majority of dissertations, as variants in the function of the present future tense; the areas of knowledge display particularities of use – Linguistics and Law activate more the temporal subfunction of the indeterminate future and the historical future, while Mathematics mobilizes more the determinate future and the imperative deontic modality; the metadiscursive subfunction can be seen as characteristic of the genre; the authors do not always follow the average usage of the respective areas, showing individual styles either in terms of forms or in terms of (sub)functions. It is concluded that: style permeates all instances of the genre, in the tension between regularity and singularity; the subject's agency may interfere with the relative stability of gender; forms and functions (and their correlations) are resources mobilized in the stylistic-compositional finishing of the genre.
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