Narratives sequences in focus: a study about the HQtronic genre and its dynamics in the classroom
HQtrônica, Leitura, Ensino-Aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa.Abstract
Confined to teaching universe / learning Portuguese and supported in a methodological perspective of theoretical and speculative nature, we put ourselves discussing the HQtrônica genre, more specifically on the book "Diary of Virginia" by Katie Ana, with a view to proposing a sequence of activities focused on reading for first year students in high school. In order to do so, we will mobilize as main reference the precepts of Bakhtin (2003), Buzato et al (2013), Cope and Kalantzis (2009), Lévy (1996, 1999) and Rojo (2012, 2013), showing in our corpus the aspects of multimodality, multiculturalism, hypertextuality, interactivity and interdisciplinarity with art.Downloads
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