Teaching with luck: an English teaching proposal based on the tale Luck, by Mark Twain
Teaching, English language, Literature, Didactical sequenceAbstract
In this article, an English teaching proposal is presented, which uses the tale “Luck”, by the North American writer Mark Twain, with the intention of demonstrating how an original literary work, from English language literature, may be used in high school classes of public regular schools, in a dynamic and different manner, involving diversified visual and interactive resources. This piece of paper is part of a didatical sequence applied in two classes from the second grade of high school, in a regular public school, which were participative and involved with the activities proposed. A questionnaire was appplied at the end of the proposal’s execution, which made it possible to verify the students’ positive impressions about the practice. The written work about the process of development and implementation of this proposal was based in authors such as Bezerra (2010), Bordini e Aguiar (1993), Gantier (1974), Polidório (2004), Smith (1967), among others.Downloads
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