Autobiography, lyricism and enunciation in three poems by Ferreira Gullar
Ferreira Gullar, Lyric poetry, Autobiography, Enunciative proceduresAbstract
The reflections proposed take, as a starting point, Ferreira Gullar’s idea, explicit in the book of interviews titled Self-Portraits, that his poetic work has moments of extreme inner freedom allied to the domain of the technique. In this sense, the inspiration would be essential, but not quite enough. We intend to show how the poet from Maranhão State harmonizes the inner freedom and technical ability, domain of expression. We intend, at first, to rescue some of the author's own reports from the so called external interference such as, everyday life, family, child diseases, and from the so called autobiographical elements, which been arranged in linguistic material, help to add lyricism to the performing of poetry. Then, we combine them with the presence of certain enunciative procedures in his poems, in accordance with the conception of semiotics discursive enunciation.Downloads
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