Why do I have white hair if it's not to know what's going on?





Rural quilombola communities are places where oral and popular knowledge is abundant. However, these forms of knowledge are not recognized by "developed" Western capitalist society, especially in school and academic institutions. This article seeks to bring stories and memories of a quilombola griô from southern Brazil. Her stories tell of her people and the processes of "involvement" and resistance over more than hundred years in the midst of a historically racist and exclusionary space. The theoretical framework that underpins the text includes the reflections of the Malian Amadou Hampaté Bâ (2010) and of the quilombola author Antônio Bispo dos Santos (2015; 2023). Dona Nena will be 104 years old in 2024 and her stories are an invitation to get to know and value her history, ways of life and quilombola popular wisdom.

Author Biography

Vanda Aparecida Fávero Pino, UEL



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How to Cite

Vanda Aparecida Fávero Pino. (2024). Why do I have white hair if it’s not to know what’s going on?. Boitatá, 18(35), e023008. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2023v18.e49733