Poesia in concert: the word back on the street





Poetry, Music, Performance, Londrina, Poesia in concert.


Poesia in Concert, an artistic event that combines poem and music, was in the 90s, in Londrina, a grouping between Mário Bortolotto (playwright), Rodrigo Garcia Lopes (poet), Maurício Arruda Mendonça (poet) and Sílvio Demétrio (musician). In 2009, Poesia in Concert returns, with the same name, inserted in the literary festival of Londrina, Londrix, with the front of Chrstine Vianna, vocalist of the band Benditos Energúmenos. This article proposes to study the grouping of the 20th century and its relationship with the current event, starting from the survey of cultural references, interviews and theoretical support.

Author Biography

Kaedmon Sellberg Soares, UEL

Doctor's student in UEL


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How to Cite

Sellberg Soares, K. (2021). Poesia in concert: the word back on the street. Boitatá, 16(32), 85–101. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2021v16.e43631