Memory IFNOPAP: beginning and middle




Dealing with my relationship with IFNOPAP (The Imaginary in Popular Oral Narrative Forms of the Amazonian Paraense) is simply mixing a good part of my personal and academic. To talk about my academic path is to start with the IFNOPAP project, keeping in mind that a good part of this experience is due to it and that there is no end in which it can be said that my relationship with the project will end. The memories I present in this article demonstrate the importance of my relationship with the project and Professor Socorro Simões ended up in several developments without which so many other academic achievements would not be possible. 

Author Biography

Alexandre Ranieri Ferreira, UFPA

Doctor for Universidade Estadual de Londrina and tutor in UFPA


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. R. (2021). Memory IFNOPAP: beginning and middle. Boitatá, 16(32), 8–15.