Mundanity-messianism dialectic in aesthetic-ideological speech of Heavy Metal




Post-modernity, Messiah, Mundanity, Heavy Metal


Mundanity is a concept usually attached to what seems the most human: a being that feels, and which is driven by those, and that clashes against the religious speech. This speech drives the individuals throughout their daily dilemmas, helping them, and has a wide group of figures and symbols. This article, then, intends to focus on one of those symbols, the Messiah, and its tense relation with the human mundanity, analising, through Heavy Metal songs, some of its most intense characteristics, such as Technology, Return, SalvationDamnation, Prophecy and the End of Times.


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Author Biographies

Flavio Pereira Senra, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Comparative Literature by the Graduate Program in Literature Science, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Postdoctoral fellow from the same program.

Rafael Ottati, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master student in Comparative Literature by the Graduate Program in Literature Science, UFRJMaster student in Comparative Literature by the Graduate Program in Literature Science, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Senra, F. P., & Ottati, R. (2013). Mundanity-messianism dialectic in aesthetic-ideological speech of Heavy Metal. Boitatá, 8(16), 43–66.


