The place of the wild portunhol in a history of the language knowledge


  • Gabriela Souto Alves Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Portunhol selvagem, History of linguistic knowledge, Resistance, Douglas Diegues.


This work is part of a perspective that seeks to move away from an universal idea in relation to the linguistic knowledge, locating a research object and giving this a methodological way. The object of this scientific discussion is the portunhol selvagem as artistic expression resistance and cultural movement, so language concept does not occur in relation to a structural and regulatory system; but as the sphere of Historical Materialism and Discourse Analysis, which has in its conception the fact that languages are also social processes, which are established discursively by their relationship to the story in the process of constitution of subjects and senses. Portunhol selvagem written by the artistic and literary resistance bias is developed as theoretical question. From this, the methodological issue is the analysis of a corpus involving Douglas Diegues speeches about this cultural movement. Thus, the objective is to recognize aspects that support this language and artistic literary character of discursive resistance.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Souto Alves, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PhD student in Linguistic Studies at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Alves, G. S. (2016). The place of the wild portunhol in a history of the language knowledge. Boitatá, 11(22), 105–117.


