Orality at school and reader training


  • Marilúcia Souza da Paz Faculdades Porto Alegrenses (Fapa)




Orality, Spoken Literature, Readers Formation


Traditionally, the schol has been elected as the responsable for the reading stimulus. In this point of view, this study has the purpose to reflect concerning the orality as a basic strategy in the formation of independent literary readers. It is necessary to emphasize that beyond the contemporary story-telling, to rescue the spoken literature in the educational practices as a pluri-meaningful way to apprehend about world and the dialogue between the popular and school knowing. Thus, the act of telling stories is not only a way to lead us to a playful form of learning, but also to the dimension human being.


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Author Biography

Marilúcia Souza da Paz, Faculdades Porto Alegrenses (Fapa)

Specialist in Children and Youth Literature. Portuguese language teacher in elementary and high school in the private education network in Porto Alegre, RS


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How to Cite

Paz, M. S. da. (2007). Orality at school and reader training. Boitatá, 2(3), 78–99. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2007v2.e30707


