Orality in the African tales of Lourenço do Rosário





African tale, Myth, Hero


The aim of this essay is to focus the orality in the stories collected for Lourenço do Rosário in the Zambeze River valley, in Mozambique that originated the book Contos Africanos (African Tales ). In such a way, it will be our intention to point out the representation of the myths and the African hero in Rosários’ tales. Based on that, we will focus on the similarities and differences between the African popular hero and the Brazilian popular hero.

Author Biography

Cristina Löff Knapp, Universidade de Caxias do Sul- UCS – RS

PhD student in Comparative Literature also at UFRGS. Professor at the Department of Letters at the University of Caxias
do Sul- UCS - RS


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How to Cite

Knapp, C. L. (2007). Orality in the African tales of Lourenço do Rosário. Boitatá, 2(3), 36–50. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2007v2.e30704


