“The King of Singers of Viola Nordestina”: its history and its glory


  • Maria Ivoneide da Silva Universidade Federal da Bahia




Popular culture, Repentist, Memory, Oral performance


Rescuing the memory of the great repentist Severino Lourenço da Silva Pinto , known as: “ Pinto do Monteiro”, through his works, means to contrisbute to the preservation of the Popular Culture of the Northeast, in the genre of “Cantoria of the viola in the Northeast”, in oral performance. The poet-singer Pinto do Monteiro was one of the representers of the art of improvisation, that is why he to must to figure in the chronicles of popular poety like the king of popular singers .


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Author Biography

Maria Ivoneide da Silva, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Master of Arts in Languages and Linguistics at the Universidade Federal da Bahia


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How to Cite

Silva, M. I. da. (2006). “The King of Singers of Viola Nordestina”: its history and its glory. Boitatá, 1(2), 62–77. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2006v1.e30696


