Contemporary novels and the canon at school: visions and revisions




Contemporary novels, Teaching of literature, Canon


This article intends to discuss the reading and the study of novels published in the last decades, in the specific scope of High School, in order to highlight some aspects of the contemporary literature that questions the borders and the limits traditionally attributed to this genre in school, based on their relations with the canon. In this sense, we propose to situate the debate considering the reality of teachers and students in the basic education grid in order to contribute to the revision of rigid concepts about the contemporary novel through, in particular, a revision of the conceptual spectrum of what is presented in textbooks, broadening the horizons of work with this genre in classes. Thus, we will take as a basis the thinking of Giorgio Agamben (2009) and Karl Erik Schøllhammer (2009) about the contemporary. Also contributing to this study are the works by Cereja (2004), Dalvi (2013), Lajolo (2016) and Oliveira (2013) about the relationships between literature and school.

Author Biography

Nelson Martinelli Filho, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Master of Arts from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. PhD in Letters from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Professor of basic, technical and technological education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo - Ifes. Permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Humanities Teaching (PPGEH / Ifes). Permanent professor of the Professional Master's Program in Letters (PROFLETRAS / UFRN / Ifes). Collaborating professor of the Postgraduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.


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How to Cite

Martinelli Filho, Nelson. “Contemporary Novels and the Canon at School: Visions and Revisions”. Terra Roxa E Outras Terras: Revista De Estudos Literários, vol. 37, Dec. 2019, pp. 55-66, doi:10.5433/1678-2054.2019v37p55.